David Orrell (Oct 17, 1934 - Jun 14, 2021)
Memorial Reception at the Eastport Arts Center
July 31, 2021, 11 a.m.
July 2019 radio interview: Talkin' 'bout the Arts show on WSHD. Host Joan Lowden interviewed David Orrell about his retrospective show which ran at the Eastport Arts Center the month of July 2019.
The Eastport Gallery pays tribute to David Orrell, past gallery president and an innovative member of the gallery co-op for many, many years.
Elizabeth Ostrander recounts, "David brought us our famous Paint Eastport Day! The idea had come to him while he was standing in front of an easel painting Eastport. He was surprised by how much attention he was getting and he thought how much more fun it could be if he was not the only painter. What if folks came to town and found easels set up all over the place with painters vigorously painting away? With more artists tucked in between the rocks with sketchbooks vigorously capturing that special moment in Eastport? How fabulously surreal would that could be.
After painting all day on Paint Eastport Day, all the created work was brought to the Eastport Arts Center to be auctioned, plus a grand food table with a party like atmosphere. It was very fun. It’s popularity went on for decades and added so much to our artist’s community."
This year's Let's Paint Eastport event will be dedicated to David. Stay tuned for more information about this year's events.
David loved Eastport and had gratefully returned to his beloved hometown after retiring from a successful art teaching in Connecticut. Our love and condolences to Marie Benvenuti Orrell and the Orrell family.
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